Friday, September 16, 2011

Many Benefits of The Noni Plant ( 2 )

Benefits noni: 
1. Dysentery: 5g dried noni bark, roots 5 g, cut into pieces as needed, then braised with 3 clean water glass until remaining 1 glass. After chilling filtered, drinks. 

Many Benefits of The Noni Plant
2. Inflammatory bowel disease: Two grated ripe noni fruit, add 1 tablespoon of honey, stirring until evenly distributed then squeezed with a piece of cloth, drinking. Apply 2 times a day. 

3. Launched a piss: Two grated ripe noni fruit, add a little lime water and stir until evenly distributed. Squeeze a piece of cloth, drinking.

4. Coughs due to colds: 2-3 ripe noni fruit shredded, add rock sugar to taste water. Stir until evenly with a piece of cloth and then squeezed a drink.

5. Cough: 2 ripe noni fruit is washed, shredded. Add 3 tablespoons of cooking water, 1 teaspoon of vinegar and a pinch of salt. Squeezed with a piece of cloth, drinking. One day 3 x 2 Tbsp. 

6. Tonsillitis: 
a. Some grated ripe noni fruit, juice plus honey water, and then used to gargle. 
b. Leaf parasite that grows on trees lime plus 5 pieces of fennel, finely ground. Add the juice of a ripe noni fruit that has been shredded and 1 cup warm water. Stir until evenly distributed then filtered, drinks. Do it every day. 

7. Diphtheria: 4 ripe Noni fruits are washed and shredded, squeezed with a piece of cloth. Water used to rinse out her feelings in the throat (gargle) for 2-3 minutes then swallowed. Perform a day 3 x 3 tbsp. 
8. Spleen swollen, painful spleen. Shredded 2 ripe noni fruit, add vinegar to taste and stir until evenly distributed. Squeeze a piece of cloth, drinking. Do it every day until cured. 

9. Bloody saliva: Eating ripe noni fruit. 

10. Preassure: 
a. 3 ripe noni fruit grated, squeeze a piece of cloth, drinking. 
b. Drugs by the stomach; piece of bark Morinda finely ground, mixed with a little vinegar. This herb wrap with banana leaves, then heated briefly over a fire or steamed. Warm - Warm applied to the upper right abdomen (liver region). 

11. Sprue: Two ripe noni fruit is washed and shredded, add 2 tablespoons of cooking water and a tablespoon of honey. Squeeze a piece of cloth, drinking. Do it 3 times a day. 

12. Injury blow, eczema: Fruit, bark or roots of Morinda taste after washed and boiled. Warm used to wash wounds or eczema 

13. Roundworms. Two ripe noni fruit is washed and shredded, add one tablespoon of salt water, stirred and then wring it out with a piece of cloth. Drink after meals 2-3 times a day. 

14. Diabetes: Noni leaf is washed and steamed. Eat with rice. 

15. High blood pressure, chicken pox, obesity: two ripe Noni fruits are washed and shredded, squeezed with a piece of cloth, drinking. Do it 2-3 times a day.

16. Cleanse the blood: Ripe noni fruit is washed and shredded, juice of water are used to looking for a drink.

17. Palpable foot rough skin, skin softener: Ripe noni fruit is rubbed into the rough skin until evenly distributed. Allow approximately 1 / 2 hours, then cleaned with warm water. Do it every day. 

18. Dandruff: Three ripe noni fruit is washed and shredded, add water and stir until evenly distributed. Noni pulp is applied to the scalp thoroughly, until the new drying rinsed with water until clean. Do it 3 times a week until the itching and dandruff disappears. 

19. Constipation: 2 ripe noni fruit, wash, and then shredded. Add a little salt, stirred and squeezed with a piece of cloth, drinking. Apply 2 times a day. 

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