Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Benefits of Carrots for Angina Pectoris

Carrots (Daucus carota) belonging to Apiaceae family is a tuber vegetable plant species which are usually orange or white with a texture similar to wood. The edible part of carrot is the root or roots. Carrot is a biennial plant (life cycle of 12-24 months) which stores large amounts of carbohydrates for the plant's flowering in the second year. Flower stems grow about 1 m tall, with white flowers. Carrots have a rod in the form of a set of wet leaf midrib (leaf stalks) that arise from the base of the fruit of the top (root), celery-like leaves. Carrots prefer a loose, fertile soil. 
Benefits of Carrots for Angina Pectoris

According to botanists, carrots (Daucus carota) can be divided into several types, including: Carrots (Daucus carota, Linn.) - The type of imperator, the carrot that has a root length with tapered ends and taste less sweet. - Chantenang types, namely carrots that have elliptic root and sweetened. - Type of Mantes, namely carrots combination results of this type of carrot and chantenang imperator. Bulbs distinctive orange-colored carrot roots.

Substances contained in carrots:
Seeds: contains flavonoids, essential oils, including asaron, pinene, limonene, Tiglath acid, azaron, and bisabol, meristisin are efficacious aphrodisiac effect.
Leaves: paspirine contain a substance that can stimulate the pituitary gland (pituitary gland) which gave the order to release sex hormones. Substances contained in carrots is needed to trigger the work function endoktrin gland, particularly the adrenal glands and gonads, is also efficacious nourish the reproductive system.
tubers: Calories, Protein, Fat, Carbohydrate, Calcium, Phosphorus, Iron, Sodium, Fiber, Vitamin A, Vitamin B-1, Vitamin B-2, Vitamin C, Niacin, and Water.

Benefits of carrots the treatment of:
Angina pectoris
Material: roots of carrots, 2 tablespoons honey, and a piece of palm sugar;
Method: carrots grated and squeezed with 2 cups of water,then mixed with other material until flattening;
How to use: drink 1 a day.

Ingredients: 1 bulb carrot and 1 teaspoon of whiting;
Method: shredded carrots and mixed with whiting until evenly distributed;
How to use: affixed on the sick and wrapped with bandages.

Ingredients: 5-7 tubers carrots, salt and coconut milk to taste;
Method: grated carrots, then added with materials other.
How to use: squeezed and filtered, then taken at bedtime.

Eye care
Ingredients: carrot tubers taste;
Method: grated and squeezed to take water;
How to use: drink every morning regularly.

Some of the benefits of carrots to overcome angina pectoris, eczema, pinworms, and eye care. Hopefully this article can be useful and help in overcoming the disease with natural herbal.

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