Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Benefits of Asparagus

Asparagus a plant resides in two. That is, these plants there are male and one female. Asparagus originated and widely grown in the United States, particularly North America, including Valley of California, Sacramento, New Jersey, South Carolina, and Illinois. Asparagus bamboo shoots are taken as a vegetable is large white bamboo shoots, soft, and fat. Usually bamboo is used. As fresh vegetables or foods in cans. 
Benefits of Asparagus

Land needed by the vegetable asparagus is plateau with an altitude of 600-900 m above sea level. Asparagus can grow optimally at temperatures between 15-25 C with plenty of rainfall and evenly throughout the year, which ranges between 2500-3000 mm / year. Therefore, the main requirement of land should plateau, cool air, and near sources of water that needs adequate water in dry season. Areas such as the above conditions are rarely found in Indonesia. Asparagus can be grown on a red-yellow podzolic soil, latosol, and andosol. Asparagus prefers a slightly sandy soil and thick coated the ground though. Keep in mind, asparagus does not like poorly drained soil and lots of clay. While the desired pH is 6 to 6.5 because it is not tolerant of acidic soils react. The soil should contain lots of organic matter. 

Benefits of substances contained in asparagus : 
Asperegine: substances that are useful for improving digestion of food and carry urine. 

Folic Acid: helps reduce birth defects in babies, pelvic cancer, colon and rectum, as well as useful for preventing cardiovascular diseases. 

Aphrodisiac: substances to stimulate the sexual organs and to treat menstrual pain. 

The content of vitamin C: it can help the body prevent cancer, heart disease and increased endurance. 

Potassium: regulate the electrolyte balance within cells and maintain heart function and normal blood pressure cure gallstones, kidney stones, prostate cancer, skin black spots. 

Asparagus root rhizoma efficacious for the treatment of urinary tract infections and kidney stones traditionally. 

It was some of the benefits of asparagus to overcome gallstones, kidney stones, prostate cancer, skin black spots. Hopefully this article can be useful and help in overcoming the disease with natural herbal.

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