Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Medicinal Plants Meniran

Meniran medicinal plants contain various chemical substances that are beneficial to health, such as filantin, hipofilantin, potassium, resin, and tannins. Filantin and hipopilantin useful to protect liver cells from toxic threats. Besides medicinal plants meniran also serves as a diuretic and fever-lowering drugs.

Medicinal Plants Meniran
Pharmacological benefits of medicinal plants meniran very much, whom to treat edema abdomen (ascites), protein in urine caused by kidney inflammation, infection and urinary tract stones, gonorrhea, diarrhea, inflammation of the intestine (enteritis), inflammation of pink eye (conjunctivitis), liver inflammation (hepatitis), jaundice (jaundice), thrush, night blindness. In addition to the above can treat various diseases, medicinal plants meniran also often used to increase appetite in children whose weight is less.

Meniran (Phyllanthus niruri L.) often grows wild in many places. But the place is a popular medicinal plants is a moist and rocky. Plants that have a high around 30 - 50 cm can grow well in the lowlands to an altitude of 1000 meters above sea level. Scattered branched, branches have single alternate leaves, leaves egg-shaped to round elongated round, blunt tip, a herbaceous plant meniran season.

In use, all parts of medicinal plants can be used as a drug meniran. Medicinal plants can be used while still fresh or dried by the wind-wind enough.

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