Malaria Opponent with Papaya |
Papaya with its scientific name Carica papaya L. is a plant that grows in the lowlands to a height of 1000 meters above sea level, thrives in soil rich in organic material, and did not like the place flooded. His figure is unbranched and trunked round. The trunk is also hollow, not woody, there is a knob used leaf stalks that fall. The leaves are collected at the end of the rod. The fruit is round to elongate. The seeds are black and covered with a thin layer.
This herbal papaya contains:
Leaves: the enzyme papain, Karpaina alkaloids, pseudo Karpaina, glikosid, karposid, and saponins.
Fruit: beta karotene, pectin, d-galactose, I-arabinose, papain, papain papayotimin, vitokinose
Seeds: cacirin glucoside, karpain
Sap: papain, kemokapain, lysozyme, lipase, glutamine, siklotransferase
In addition to malaria, papaya can also cure indigestion, ulcers, canker sores, and stimulate appetite.
Efficacy papaya for the treatment of:
Malaria and fever:
Pick the young leaves of papaya and mashed up into half a glass, add ¾ cup water and a pinch of salt. Squeeze the mixture and strain. The liquid is drunk 3 times a day with the same dose. Perform 5 consecutive days.
Gastrointestinal upset, heartburn, ulcers, and increase appetite:
Ripe papaya fruit is consumed in fresh condition or as a dessert.
Papain papaya latex has antifungal activity against C. albicans. It is a cysteine protease that cleaves peptide bonds of basic amino acids, leucine, or glycine.
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