Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Kaempferia galanga Overcome Sprain

Plants kaempferia galanga is a small herbaceous plant that thrives in the lowlands or the mountains where the land is loose and not too much water. The number of strands of leaf kaempferia galanga no more than 2-3 pieces (rarely 5) dealing with the composition, growth sprawled on the ground. Interest compounded semi-sitting arranged with flowers amounted to between 4 to 12 pieces, flower lip (labellum) lavender with white colour is more dominant. Kaempferia galanga overcome sprain.
Kaempferia galanga Overcome Sprain

This plant grows well in the rainy season. Kaempferia galanga can be planted in pots or in the garden is enough sunlight, not too wet and half-shaded.

Kaempferia galanga rhizome contains starch (4.14%), minerals (13.73%), and essential oil (0.02%) of sineol, acid methyl penta kanil and independence, cinnamic acid, ethyl asters, acid sinamic, borneol, kamphene, paraeumarin, anisic acid, alkaloids, and gums.

The use of this herb for the herbal ingredients is as follows:

Sprain: 1 kaempferia galanga rhizome and rice soaked in water. The second material is crushed and water. How to use: applied on the part of the sprain.

Inflammation of the Stomach: 2 kaempferia galanga rhizome of thumb, peeled kaempferia galanga clean and chewed, swallowed How to use the water, the waste is disposed of, then drink a glass of water, and repeated until healed.

Influenza in infants: a kaempferia galanga rhizome of your thumb and 2 bay leaves cubeb (tailed pepper / Cubeb), both ingredients finely, then add a few tablespoons of warm water. How to use topically around the nose.

Sign Wind: 1 kaempferia galanga rhizome of your thumb and salt to taste, peeled kaempferia galanga clean. How to use: kaempferia galanga eaten with salt to taste, then drink a glass of water. Can be made 2 times a day.

Headaches: 2-3 leaves kaempferia galanga, galanga kaempferia leaf until finely ground. How to use: applied (as compress) on the forehead.

Cough: 1 kaempferia galanga rhizome of your thumb and salt to taste, shredded kaempferia galanga, then add 1 cup of warm water, squeezed and filtered. How to use: drink with added salt to taste.

Diarrhea: 2 kaempferia galanga rhizome of your thumb and salt to taste, shredded kaempferia galanga, then add 1 cup of warm water, squeezed and filtered. How to use: applied to the abdomen as a powder.

Eliminating Blood Gross: 4 kaempferia galanga rhizome of thumb, trengguli 2 bay leaves, 2 cloves dried beans, fennel. All the ingredients are boiled together with 1 litter of water until boiling, and then filtered. How to use: drinked 2 times a day regularly.

Streamlining your period: 2 kaempferia galanga rhizome of thumb, a trengguli leaves, 1 clove old fruit seeds, fennel. Mince a kaempferia galanga, then mixed with other ingredients and boil together with 3 cups water to boil down to 2 cups, then filtered. How to use: 2 cups taken once daily.

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