Saturday, May 9, 2015

Diabetes and Hypertension is a major cause of Kidney damage

Kidney Function
Kidneys are the organs of the body toxic waster sophisticated, the size of a fist and shaped like beans (ears). There are 2 pieces of kidney and is located at the waist. Kidneys every day processes an average of 2,000 liters of blood and produce 2 liters of sewage and water. Wastes in the blood come from the combustion of muscle and from the food. The body takes nutrients for energy and cell replacement. Once the nutrients taken, the rest is returned by the body into the blood.
Kidneys filter waste and throw it away. If renal function decreases, the waste will accumulate in the blood so harmful to the body because it is like poison. Filtration in the kidney made by a small nerve called the nephron.

In this nephron blood capillaries intersect with neurological or urinary tube called a tubule (bladder).
When the wastes and fluid are separated from the blood and into the urine disposal system, there was a complex chemical exchange process.
Kidney Cross Section
At first tubule accept waste and other chemicals that are still useful for the body. Kidneys then measured levels of chemicals (such as sodium, phosphorus, and potassium) and returns again to the blood.

Thus kidney function:
a. Filtering remains of combustion products and excess water from the blood and throw it in the form of urine     into the bladder via the ureters.
b. Set the required chemical constituents of the body.
c. Issued three hormones: erythropoietin or EPO, which stimulates the bones to make red blood cells, called     renin, which regulates blood pressure, the active form of vitamin D which helps maintain calcium for bones     and for the balance of chemicals in the body.

A pair of kidneys are functioning optimally called function 100%. This condition is actually exceed the body's needs, because many people are born with only one kidney and they live a healthy life is not problematic. In this case, people still can live a healthy life with 50% kidney function.
If renal function decreases to below 20%, it will be a big problem and if the function is only 10-15% (renal failure), people will not be able to live longer (NIH Publication No. 01-4694).

Kidney diseases attack the nephrons generally that causes a decrease in filtration capacity. Nephron damage can occur quickly (acute) poisoning or accident, or it could be damaged slowly (chronic) and a look after a few years.

The main cause of kidney damage is due to diabetes (type 1 or 2), or high blood pressure, while other causes eg poison, drugs are eaten continuously for a long time or drugs that are harmful to the kidneys.
Diabetes is a disease that causes the body can not use sugar as it should. Blood sugar can not be broken down and remains in the blood that are toxic. This condition is caused nephrons become damaged.

Other major kidney damage causes of high blood pressure or hypertension. Hypertension can lead to rupture of capillaries in the nephron. This causes damage to blood vessels in the kidneys filtering process waste becomes normal.