Stroke is paralysis due to damage to the blood vessels to the brain. Organs paralysis can occur on the left or right of the body. Will damage nerve paralysis including can cause blindness. The causes of stroke include high blood pressure / hypertension, high blood sugar / diabetes or high cholesterol.
herbal stroke |
Herbal medicine for stroke can use herbs include garlic, celery, green beans, chicken claw, willow leaves and amethyst.
1 recipe Herbal Medicine for Stroke (High Blood Plus)
The leaves and stalks of celery .................. 11 sheets
3 cloves garlic ....................................
The green beans 2 tablespoons .....................................
Chicken claw ...................................... 3 pairs
How to mix:
Wash all the ingredients. Cut the chicken claw into three parts. Furthermore, peeled and thinly sliced garlic. Even so it is with thinly sliced celery. Then boil all ingredients with 6 cups of water until the remaining approximately 3 cups.
Drink this mixture 4 times a day, each ½ cup. While pulp and eaten chicken claw is also used as a side dish. Do it once every 2 days for 3 consecutive months. In addition to restoring nerve paralysis, herb also serves to stabilize blood tekannan.
Recipe 2 Herbal Medicine for Stroke (Plus Cholesterol and Diabetes)
Bark bark as much ....................... 2 fingers
Fresh bitter leaf sheet ............................... 11
Curcuma of chicken eggs ................. 1 seed
How to mix:
Ginger peeled, washed and sliced thin. Boil with other ingredients with 4 cups of water until the remaining approximately 3 cups. Remove and strain.
Drink this mixture 3 times a day, each ½ cup.
3 Recipes Herbal Medicine for Stroke
Gandarusa leaf sheets ................................. 15
Wulung amethyst leaves ........................ 5 sheets
The roots of papaya hanging fingers ........................... 3
½ cup coconut oil .....................................
Oil gandapura
How to mix:
Wash all the ingredients except the coconut oil. Then the chopped ingredients until smooth. Furthermore, heat the fire with a small fire to boil, then enter the material that has been shredded, stir briefly about 5 minutes. Remove and strain the herbs when cool. Put ingredients into a small bottle. If there are add 3 tablespoons oil gandapura / lemongrass oil.
Use herbs to massage, especially the sick. Apply 2 times a day.
Recipe 4 Herbal Medicine for Stroke
Willow leaves ................................... 30 pieces
Amethyst leaves wulung ......................... 3 pieces
Powder ................................................. 7 seed
Ginger at ............................... 3 fingers
Rice ................................................. ½ cup ...
How to mix:
Soak rice for 1 hour, then mashed with other ingredients until smooth.
Apply potion on the sick.
Stroke may take some time to achieve a cure, takes patience, care and treatment and intensive exercise movement.
Treatment of stroke using the traditional medicine, it should be combined with needling in to speed the healing process.
As a light workout at home, doing the movements with wringing tennis ball so that nerve cells can work more optimally.